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Hydrangea And Deer: A Match Made In Nature

Hydrangeas and deer are two creatures that seem to be made for each other. Hydrangeas are beautiful, fragrant flowers that deer love to eat. And deer, with their graceful movements and gentle demeanor, seem to complement the delicate beauty of hydrangeas.

But while hydrangeas and deer may make a lovely pair in nature, they can also be a source of conflict in gardens. Deer will happily eat hydrangea leaves, flowers, and even the bark of young plants. This can leave gardeners with nothing but a stump where their once-beautiful hydrangeas once stood.

So, what can you do if you love hydrangeas but also have deer in your yard? There are a few things you can do to protect your hydrangeas from deer:

  • Plant deer-resistant hydrangeas. Some hydrangea species are less palatable to deer than others. Braded hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is one such species. It has soft, fuzzy leaves that deer don't seem to like as much as other types of hydrangeas.
  • Use deer fencing. If you have a serious deer problem, you may need to install deer fencing around your hydrangeas. Deer fencing should be at least 8 feet tall and should extend 3 feet underground to prevent deer from digging under it.
  • Repellents. There are a number of commercial deer repellents available. These repellents can be sprayed on your hydrangeas or applied as a granular product. However, it's important to note that deer can become accustomed to repellents over time, so you may need to reapply them regularly.
  • Plant companion plants. Some plants, such as lavender and rosemary, are said to deter deer. You can plant these plants around your hydrangeas to help keep deer away.

If you take steps to protect your hydrangeas from deer, you can enjoy their beauty for many years to come.

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In addition to the tips mentioned above, there are a few other things you can do to protect your hydrangeas from deer:

  • Plant your hydrangeas in a sunny spot. Deer are more likely to eat hydrangeas that are planted in shady areas.
  • Mulch around your hydrangeas. Mulch will help to keep the soil moist and cool, which deer don't like.
  • Water your hydrangeas regularly. Deer are more likely to eat hydrangeas that are stressed from drought.
  • Check your hydrangeas regularly for signs of deer damage. If you see any leaves or flowers that have been eaten, remove them immediately to discourage deer from continuing to eat your hydrangeas.

If you have a serious deer problem, you may also want to consider talking to your local wildlife agency. They may be able to offer additional advice on how to deter deer from your yard.


Hydrangeas and deer may seem like a match made in heaven, but they can also be a source of conflict in gardens. By taking steps to protect your hydrangeas from deer, you can enjoy their beauty for many years to come.

If you're a hydrangea lover who lives in deer country, you know that it can be a challenge to keep your plants safe from hungry animals. But don't despair! There are a number of things you can do to deter deer from eating your hydrangeas.

One option is to plant deer-resistant varieties of hydrangeas. While no hydrangea is completely deer-proof, some varieties are less appealing to deer than others. For example, oakleaf hydrangeas are known to be particularly susceptible to deer damage, while smooth hydrangeas are less likely to be eaten.

If you don't have the option of planting a deer-resistant variety, you can try using a deer repellent. There are a number of different deer repellents available on the market, so you can choose one that's right for you. Be sure to reapply the repellent according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Another way to deter deer from eating your hydrangeas is to install a physical barrier. This could be a fence, a wire mesh, or even a tall row of plants. The barrier should be tall enough to prevent deer from jumping over it, and it should be placed around the entire perimeter of your hydrangeas.

If you've tried all of these methods and you're still having trouble with deer eating your hydrangeas, you may want to consider talking to a local gardening expert. They may be able to offer you additional tips or solutions.

For more information about hydrangeas and deer, please visit .

FAQ of hydrangea and deer

  • Q: Do deer eat hydrangeas?
    • A: Yes, deer are known to eat hydrangeas. They are attracted to the flowers, leaves, and stems of hydrangeas. Deer can quickly strip a hydrangea plant of its leaves and flowers, leaving it looking bare and unhealthy.
  • Q: How can I protect my hydrangeas from deer?
    • There are a few things you can do to protect your hydrangeas from deer:
      • Plant your hydrangeas in a location that is not easily accessible to deer. This could mean planting them in a fenced-in area, or near a busy road or path that deer are less likely to frequent.
      • Use deer deterrents. There are a number of commercial deer deterrents available, or you can make your own using products like human hair, blood meal, or predator urine.
      • Cover your hydrangeas with netting or fencing. This will create a physical barrier that deer will not be able to penetrate.
  • Q: What can I do if my hydrangeas have already been eaten by deer?
    • If your hydrangeas have already been eaten by deer, there are a few things you can do:
      • Prune away any damaged leaves and stems. This will help the plant to recover and produce new growth.
      • Fertilize your hydrangeas. This will help them to grow new leaves and flowers.
      • Water your hydrangeas regularly. This will help them to stay hydrated and healthy.
  • Q: Are there any hydrangea varieties that are deer resistant?
    • Yes, there are a few hydrangea varieties that are deer resistant. These include:
      • Hortensia macrophylla (bigleaf hydrangea)
      • Hortensia paniculata (panicle hydrangea)
      • Hortensia quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea)
      • Hortensia arborescens (smooth hydrangea)
  • Q: What are some other tips for protecting hydrangeas from deer?
    • In addition to the tips listed above, you can also try:
      • Planting your hydrangeas with other plants that deer do not like, such as lavender or rosemary.
      • Using motion-activated sprinklers or lights. This will scare deer away from your hydrangeas.
      • Visiting your hydrangeas regularly and inspecting them for signs of deer damage. This will allow you to take action to protect your plants as soon as possible.

Image of hydrangea and deer

5 different images of "hydrangea and deer" from Pinterest:

  1. A deer grazing in a field of hydrangeas. Image of Deer grazing in a field of hydrangeas
  2. A deer standing in front of a hydrangea bush, its antlers reaching up to the flowers. Image of Deer standing in front of a hydrangea bush
  3. A deer drinking from a stream surrounded by hydrangeas. Image of Deer drinking from a stream surrounded by hydrangeas
  4. A deer family playing in a meadow of hydrangeas. Image of Deer family playing in a meadow of hydrangeas
  5. A deer silhouetted against a backdrop of hydrangeas in full bloom. Image of Deer silhouetted against a backdrop of hydrangeas in full bloom

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